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Transforming Data During a Load

Databend supports transforming data while loading it into a table using the COPY INTO <table> command, which simplifies your ETL pipeline for basic transformations.

This feature helps you avoid the use of temporary tables to store pre-transformed data when reordering columns during a data load.

The COPY command supports:

  • Column reordering, column omission, and casts using a SELECT statement. There is no requirement for your data files to have the same number and ordering of columns as your target table.

Transforming is only supported for Parquet format in the stage.

Load a Subset of Table Data

Load a subset of data into a table. The following example loads data from columns id, name of a staged Parquet file:

Sample Data

id | name       | age
1 | John Doe | 35
2 | Jane Smith | 28


-- create a table
CREATE TABLE my_table(id int, name string);

COPY INTO my_table
FROM (SELECT, FROM @mystage t)
FILE_FORMAT = (type = parquet) PATTERN='.*parquet';

Reorder Columns During a Load

To reorder the columns from a staged Parquet file before loading it into a table, you can use the COPY INTO command with a SELECT statement. The following example reorders the columns name and id:

Sample Data

id | name       | age
1 | John Doe | 35
2 | Jane Smith | 28


CREATE TABLE my_table(name string, id int);

COPY INTO my_table
FROM (SELECT, FROM @mystage t)
FILE_FORMAT = (type = parquet) PATTERN='.*parquet';

Convert Data Types During a Load

To convert staged data into other data types during a data load, you can use the appropriate conversion function in your SELECT statement.

The following example converts a timestamp into a date:

Sample Data

id | name    | timestamp
1 | John Doe| 2022-03-15 10:30:00
2 | Jane Doe| 2022-03-14 09:00:00


CREATE TABLE my_table(id int, name string, time date);

COPY INTO my_table
FROM (SELECT,, to_date(t.timestamp) FROM @mystage t)
FILE_FORMAT = (type = parquet) PATTERN='.*parquet';


Transforming data during a load is a powerful feature of Databend that allows you to simplify your ETL pipeline and avoid the use of temporary tables. With the ability to transform data during a load, you can streamline your ETL pipeline and focus on the analysis of your data rather than the mechanics of moving it around.